RMG Fridays May: National Youth Arts Week

Andrew Johnston and Rory Taillon & the Old Souls will serenade us at the launch of National Youth Arts Week. Join Oshawa’s Youth Council in the studio. Also celebrate the opening of Lora Moore-Kakaletris: Water, supported by CIBC Wood Gundy.

For more information:
Lora Moore-Kakaletris: Water – https://rmg.on.ca/moore-water-series.php
Andrew Johnston – http://www.thirdsidemusic.com/artists/andrew-johnston
Rory Taillon & the Old Souls – http://www.rorytaillon.com/

On the first Friday of the month, join the RMG in celebrating local talent. The gallery buzzes with live musical performances, interactive art experiences, open gallery spaces, social mingling and more. Suitable for music lovers, youth, families, date nights, and culture-vultures.

Free to attend | 7-10pm | Cash Bar | All ages welcome.

Follow the twitter feed at #RMGFridays!

The RMG is grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for their support of this programming.