
Sharing our new Strategic Plan

May 6, 2022

For the next three years we’re focusing on connection, creative, and care.

As the RMG’s previous plan, Forging Change Through Creativity, came to an end in 2021, the team embarked a collaborative approach to develop our new strategic plan with PROCESS consultants.   At the onset, the RMG and PROCESS prioritized critically thinking about and meaningfully incorporating equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice within both the process and the final plan. 

We engaged the full staff team and Board of Directors throughout, completed a public survey, and led a focus group with community partners.  This ensured we were grounding the next three years from a place of common understanding of what we all want for the RMG, for artists, and for our community.

Our values of care; artist-centered and creative; equity and justice; relationship-based and collaborative; accessible and inclusive; accountable and open; led to a vision and mission that resonate with the team, and we hope, with everyone who engages with us. 


Art cultivates connected and caring communities.

As an artist-centered and community-oriented public art gallery in Durham Region, we bring people from diverse backgrounds together to engage with art that inspires new perspectives, generates meaningful conversations, and creates a sense of belonging.


We build relationships with diverse artists and communities through art.

The RMG works in collaboration with artists, partners, and audiences to present dynamic and inspiring collections, exhibitions, and programs in an inclusive and equitable environment.

I’m truly proud of the time, thought, and care we put into this plan.  We invite you to explore the full strategic plan and the priorities and goals that we’ve set to help us achieve our vision. 

With gratitude,

Lauren Gould, CEO

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