Ages 13-17
4:30pm to 6:00pm

Come hang out in our onsite art studio! Guided by our Youth and Family Programming Assistant, you will be encouraged to explore new techniques, work with a variety of materials, and express your unique personality through art. Each week’s activity is influenced by the artistic trends of youth in the local community to provide a positive outlet in a safe and inclusive environment. We will play around with printmaking, animation, sewing, and more!
Materials will be provided at no cost to participants.
Upcoming Sessions
April 25: Mixed Media Blackout Poetry
May 9: Open House
May 23: Underpainting with Acrylic Paint Landscape
June 6: Oil Pastel and Watercolour Still Life
Please register ahead of time using the online form or by email at [email protected].
Presented by The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation.