Wednesday January 20, 2016 was #MuseumSelfie Day and the RMG’s staff and guests got into it by snapping some pretty fabulous and creative photos in the gallery.
Carla Sinclair, Manager of Community and Volunteer Development, gets expressive with Rita Letendre.
Donna Raetsen-Kemp, CEO, gets up close and personal with Jock Macdonald.
Leslie Menagh, Manager of Public Programs and Art Reach, poses with work by Gallery A artist Janice McHaffie.
Staff from the Oshawa Public Library get a sweet selfie with a photo by Holly King.
Steve Dick, Manager of Protection Services, does his best Vanna White impersonation with our new banner.
Senior Curator Linda Jansma mimics a work by Michael Snow.
Sam Mogelonsky, Manager of Marketing and Communications, gets mysterious with a photo by Holly King.
Olinda Casimiro, Director of Finance and Administration, hanging out with Elvis by Tony Scherman.
Sonya Jones, Associate Curator, gets a bright idea from a Ray Mead drawing.
Curatorial volunteer Alessanra Cirelli, takes a selfie while framing.
Parvathi Bhat, Gallery Educator, poses with her favourite Jack Bush.
RMG enthusiast Cassy Goulding dropped by for this quick snap in the lobby.