Community News

Share Your Love for Art

September 4, 2012

Our Education Department is seeking new volunteers. Get involved! Here are some details on upcoming meetings.

Become a Volunteer Art Educator

The Education Department is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our dedicated team. Our volunteers share an interest in learning and introducing children to Canadian art, culture and history.

Weekly discussions are based on the Permanent Collection, new featured exhibitions, and various art styles/movements. Teaching and touring techniques are also addressed.

New Sessions Begin:   Monday, September 17, 2012 1pm to 2:30pm

Become a Volunteer Studio Art Instructor

The Education Department is expanding our volunteer Educators group!  We are seeking volunteers to join our all new group of Studio Educators who will assist the Education Studio Specialist. Volunteers must have an interest in the art making process; a basic knowledge of art studio practices is an asset.

Anyone who is interested is invited to an orientation meeting on Monday, September 17, 2012 at 10am.

Commitment is flexible and applicants are welcomed throughout the year.

For more information, please contact the Norah O’Donnell, Volunteer Coordinator at 905 576 3000 ext. 106 or by email at [email protected]

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