Welcome to week four of our Community Curates project. Nearing half-way through, we’ve been surprised by some of the results. The majority of selected works have been landscapes. In response to this, we’ve selected two works this week for your consideration that are challenges to the traditional approach to landscape.
As yet, no abstract works have been selected. We think this is because people are most drawn to what is familiar to them, but it could be any number of factors leading to the popular choices! Out of the six works selected, three have been historical, two are figurative and four are landscapes. It’s interesting to watch the results!
On to this week’s voting!
Week 4:
1. Barry Smylie (Canadian, b. 1948)
Corollary 1988
lithograph on paper
Purchase, 1989
2. Linda Ward Selbie (Canadian, b. 1949)
Treacherous Terrain 1991
Konica colour print on paper
Gift of the artist and Andrew Selbie, 1991
3. F.S. Coburn (Canadian, 1871 – 1960)
The Actress n.d.
conte and coloured crayon on paper
Donated by the Ontario Heritage Foundation, 1988
4. Michael A. Sowdon (Canadian, b. 1948)
Untitled No. 1 1974
offset lithograph on paper
Gift of the Ontario Arts Council, 1974
5. William Ronald (Canadian, 1926 – 1998)
Untitled 1953
ink on paper
Gift of the artist, 1970