Meet Carla Sinclair – the RMG’s new Manager of Community and Volunteer Development

Carla Sinclair is the RMG’s new Manager of Community and Volunteer Development. She has pursued her love of storytelling to build community across Canada working in radio, television and film. Stop by and welcome Carla to the RMG team!

RMG: What were you up to before the RMG?

Carla: I have been partner at Empty Cup Media for the past 7 years where I spent my time as a cinematographer, editor and graphic designer. My greatest accomplishment to date is having directed and produced my first independent feature documentary, a project that spanned 9 years!

RMG: What drew you to the museum sector?

Carla: Having worked with the RMG on a number of video projects, I came to know the inspired team that run this incredible space. The sense of community fostered here compelled me to be a voice in Oshawa’s expanding creative culture.

RMG: What is your favourite museum?

Carla: The Old Library of Trinity College Dublin. The architecture alone captivated my attention, but walking through the ancient volumes housed in this building, including the Book of Kells, was absolutely magical.

RMG: What is your first memory of art?

Carla: It was on a school trip to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, N.B. I vividly recall standing in front of Savador Dali’s Santiago El Grande, mesmerized. I remember being struck by the size, beauty and majesty of the enchanting painting.

RMG: What is the one thing you most want to share with people about the RMG?

Carla: RMG Fridays! If you haven’t already been out to this awesome monthly event, I encourage you to come soon. Bands, artist talks and local partnerships create an atmosphere unlike any other you will find in Oshawa. I love the crowd it attracts and it’s accessible, creative hub for entertainment, education and networking. I’m thrilled that RMG Fridays will now include short film screenings in the Lookout. Enjoy popcorn and experience Friday Film Features!